Monday, January 30, 2012

GAD311 - Prototyping Journal (WIN 2012)

Trying to decide what sort of style the characters in the game are going to have. I'm leaning toward a hybrid of semi-realisitc human, but with a lot of stylized more cartoony elements to still give a lot of individuality to each captain.

If we decide we need to have full 3D models of the characters in-game, the more realistic style may be too much. We might want to go for something more simple - a super simple, sort of chibi type design might still give it character without making them too difficult to create within the time frame.

There was also talk of making all the characters different types of animals instead of humans. Would it be fun/cool or too cliche to have a more armored type animal for the Defense-heavy captain, or a speedy sleeker animal for the Speed-based captain? I think with animals you almost HAVE to use the stereotypes or it's just not going to feel right. Another good aspect might be that sometimes anthro-characters can show a lot of emotion with their ear, tail, facial expressions, however, then you get into needing to model more fur/hair and fur patterns. Personally, I'm still leaning toward the human style characters.

If we are picking three out of the five captains, I'm leaning toward the Charisma, Female, and Defense captains. The other two options seem a little more in-depth to me right now and might be better to introduce later in the game.

Some thoughts:

- Why are all the captains referred to by their Feat while the female captain is simply the "Female" - what is her actual trademark skill? There was talk of making her resistant toward magic-based attacks, but so far this hasn't been planned out. Perhaps she needs a more basic skill, and the magic resists can come later?
- Maybe we can merge a few captains if we aren't using them all? The female seems to have an incresed skill toward recruiting, but why is this not more the Charisma captain's feat, for example? Maybe make the female the Charisma captain, and give the Speed skills to the previously charismatic guy, or vice versa?
- If the Defense-based captain does not use small ships, does he automatically start out with something larger?
- If the Boarding-based captain has a higher "intimidation" to start with, and this is effected by his Reputation skill, what happens when we combine Rep with Exp? He shouldn't start out at a higher level than the other captains, obviously.
- I think each Captain needs a "Special Attack" - but also I feel that their starting "perks" need to better match up with the upgradable skills in-game.