Monday, March 5, 2012

GAD311 - Pirate Concepts, Round 6 (WIN 2012)

                            Capitaine Pierre Beaumarin of Le Grande Vaisseau

 Captain Kate Redthorn of the Crimson Rose

First rough concept sketch of barkeep type character.
I think he needs to be more squat and stubby... at least in the legs.

First rough sketch of a barmaid type character.
I'm trying to keep her at least close to a more hystorically accurate type look and stay away from a more modern bodice type, or heels. So far I'm liking the top half of the character -just needs more detail. The skirts I'd like to tuck up on one side, as I've seen peasants of the era do. I think that would give the lower half more flavor and shape instead of having the skirts just be a massive bell-shape.

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